We seem to be careering into July and it will be autumn before we know it -how on earth did that happen! There’s been a steady hum of bees in the vegetable garden lavender borders this week. I have planted long hedges of it so that I can pick some and there still be plenty for the busy bees.
I thought it might be nice to use some of my lavender to show you how to make a soothing lavender eye pillow. It’s a lovely thing to make for a gift or for yourself. I use mine at the end of yoga in the relaxation time and have been known to nod off. They use barely any fabric and you can make them out of any scraps.
You will need 2 rectangles of fabric about 11cm x 26cm - you can go bigger or smaller depending on how good you are at tiny seams, some pins, a bowl of lavender and a big handful of rice or small lentils.
Cut out 2 rectangles of fabric approx 26cm x 11cm. I used Vintage Paisley Swedish Blue and a little scrap of an old French linen fabric. Pin them face sides together and stitch around the edges, leaving a gap at the short edge to turn it back through. Snip the corners and turn it through.
I sometimes use a pair of scissors to get a nice corner. Don’t push too hard though or you can go right through like I did !
You will need a handful of rice to give your eye pillow a bit of weight and a couple of big handfuls of lavender. If you happen to have a funnel so much the better - it will stop you having to sweep all the bits up later!! While we are here, take a moment to admire my rather lovely little platters from Sophie at Starling Pots. I absolutely love her plates and dishes and they are my go-to now for Christmas and birthday gifts. (I have a post planned for next week about how lockdown has changed my shopping habits for the better) .
Don’t overfill it, as if it is too stuffed it won’t fit the face gently. You want to still have enough room to drape down a bit. Stitch the end shut with little neat stitches.
These eye pillows make a lovely gift and you could put one with a lavender plant in a nice pot for a more substantial offering.
Happy stitching!