keeping up!

… as promised i am trying to catch you up on our busy days!

one of my other resolutions this year is to try and have some time off on weekends.

running your own business and managing it around the pressures of parenthood inevitably means working odd hours. it is so easy to nip into the studio on a weekend to finish the bits and bobs that dont get down in the week. So i have been trying not to. 


the arrival of cabbage the puppy has got us all out walking much more - to and from school and all of us as a family on weekends. 

i have also been trying to cook everything we eat from scratch - not always possible but i am having a go - I've been trying to avoid refined wheat and sugar and eat more whole grains and natural foods. - have a look at the recipes i have been collecting on my whole foods board on  pinterest. I am no angel and i should give up alcohol along with the wheat and sugar but a pub walk is a weekend necessity! 

all images are from my pinterest whole foods board and the links will take you back to original sources.

i have been enjoying the recipes from hugh fw light and easy, deliciously ella and honestly healthy