another busy week here in the studio while we are gearing up for decorex - a very prestigious London trade show for interiors, where we will be showcasing some new fabrics (a sneaky peek of those soon!) heres one of our new stripes in colour "damson and greengage" - quite an apt name for the distinctly autumnal feel of the moment.
Going on holiday always puts things in perspective for me and so when i saw this quote this week it made me smile, it sums up weeks when you feel like chucking in the towel but something makes you carry on!
i have had a thing about neon pink this week - especially with grey!
we seem to have been making lots of bags in the studio this week , our shoppers are still one of our most popular products, but we have done a few custom orders this week with longer handles for over your shoulder and a soft clutch bag.
our autumn winter collection of accessories have started arriving, which is always exciting!
i feel i have got my cooking mojo back a bit - i got rather lazy in france as i didn't have my huge store cupboard of exciting spices and there isn't the same vast choice as we have here (which in a way to is much more healthy to be governed by the rhythms of the season but green beans wear thin after a month!!!) so i have been making lots of yummy salads - recipes here.
clockwise from top left green bean salad from plenty by ottolenghi
chopped thai salad with sesame garlic dressing from a pinch of yum
summer slaw
rainbow salad with greek yoghurt ceasar dressing from scaling back
hope you all hd a great week!